Friday, 23 April 2021

Black Hole-The Unsolved Mystery


       ⇒ Introduction🌹🌹🌹🌹

Black holes are the most precurious and mysterious in the universe.

The average black hole a mass of 10 to 20 times the mass of our Sun and are formed when a large star die and collapse. 

The most intresting fact is that the black holes are invisible and their existence can be determined by observing their effect on nearby matter. 

Sagittarius-A is a large, giant and super-massive black hole with a mass of 3.5 to 4 million suns and is located at the centre point of our milky way with a diameter of distance between our Earth & Sun. 

        ⇒ NASA's Mission. ✊✊✊

In 2017, NASA setup a mission to explore the mysterious things in the universe with a funding of  188 Million USD but its priorty was the research on black hole. And the mission launched in 2020. 

       ⇒ What is inside Black Hole? 

It has not been discoverd yet what is inside black hole, however, their are some theories related to this. 

☝ The most accepted theory is that your existence divides into two, one being continuing unharmed while the other being burnt into dust by massive radiation. 

☝ And when you reach the horizon, your existence would be invetiable and this is the point where nothing can escape from black hole.

At this point, the laws of physics of space and time are no longer applied.

        ⇒ Do Black Holes Opens into Another Universe? 

Theory # 1.

According to Stephen William Hawkings, black holes have a backdoor which allows you to enter into another universe. 

He further elaborates that black holes transfers object into alternate universe faster than the speed of light. 

Theory # 2.

Another concept theorizes that the opposite side of black hole is white hole. As you cannot escape black hole, in contrast you cannot enter white hole. 

☝  But if this theory of black and white hole linked together, we can find the subway to another universe and the theory of multiverse would be proven. 

       ⇒ Last Word

However, we cannot prove this true until we enter this and sent back information. The most scary fact is that you cannot return back to the unvierse you relate to. 

Tell me on coments that what do you think about Black Hole. 


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