Sunday 4 April 2021

China, the upcoming superpower.

People s Republic of China: The upcoming super-power. 


Every country wants dominance over another country in terms of money and power. But super-power is a country that gets dominance over all countries of world. It is well-developed and has master-planed policies. It has the latest technology. 

The main fact which makes it super-power is its economy, its GDP per capita and its assests which includes loans to the other countries and its exports. 

  In the present era USA(united states of america) is the super-power. But group of people are predicting that China would become the super-power across 2030.

       The Salient Features of Resources of China:

 Following figures will elobrate the topic :

  • China is well-developed country with stabilized economy.


  • China is the fastest growing and second biggest commercial market in the world
  • China has been spreading political influnce on every continent with various ambitious investments. 
            GDP(Gross Domestic Product) of China:
  •  The best way to measure how strong a nation is through GDP. 
  • China's GDP is $14.14 Trillion while USA's GDP is $21.44 Trillion . 
  • These figures shows that USA is in lead of $7.3 Trillion. 
  • But the point of fact is that China's GDP is growing with a much faster rate. 

  • That is the economists are predicting that China will take over the USA in terms of production. 
                    China's Population
  • China's population is 1 billion and 400 million (1.4 billion)
  • On the other hand USA's population is 330 million
  • This figure shows that China's population is four times greater than the USA's population. 

  • This shows that China has four people working with respect to a single working man of USA.    
                  In the Words of Elon Musk; World's Richest Person

  • So China produces more products than the USA. 
  • That is the reason whenever you see a product, it is written on the back "MADE IN CHINA"
                    USA trade with China
  • Recently, is a huge investor in the USA and United States owes China $1.123 Trillion

                       Most Important Factors 
  • China is working on a 1 Trillion Dollar Master-planed infrastructure which is one route road by which China can be connected to 60 countries across world. 
  • The most important factor is China's non-stop working to be the first in the world to have 5-G network. 

                     The Negative Measures 

  • China is much populous country and have a population of more than one billion which puts a heavy burden in its resources
  • However, there economy is growing three times faster then the current super-power, however, they have problems to solve if they want to become the next super-power. 

                       To Be Continued.......

For more information, stay tuned. 


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