Monday 5 April 2021

Journey to the Red Planet"Mars"

                                                                 Mars (The Red Planet) 


  • Mars is the second smallest planet of Solar System and fouth planet of Solar System.
  • It was formed about 4.5 billion years ago by the fusion of diffrent gases and dust. 
  • The entire surface of Mars is rocky in nature. 
  • Its Diameter is just as the wirdth of Africa. 

  • The total Surface Area of Mars is equal to the total area covered by all the continents of the world. 
  • Mars is also known as "BLOODY PLANET" because its core is rich of Iron(Fe) . When this iron reacts with the atmospheric oxygen, it rusts, converting the surface reddish. 

                                                                Main Fact: 

The question is , Can we colonize Mars? Yes. Because the main source of life i.e: water eists there as Ice caps. That is the reason that signs of life has been discovered on mars. 

                        How far is the Mars.
  • Mars is about 300 million miles away from Earth and it takes about 7 months to get to the Mars by an average accelarated NASAs' spacecraft . 
  • Each 26 months, Mars and Earth are at its closest about 57 million miles apart  and we can reach Mars in 40 days if we move in straight path. 
But the fact is, it is not possible to reach Mars in 40 days in a straight line. This is because of following reasons:
  1. Altered Gravity:
  •  Zero-g can affect your bones. Recently, studies on the astraunauts who had long stays on space station shows that astraunats loses 1% to 2% of bone mass each month. 
  • It can cause permanent or temporary damage to your vision by affecting your optic nerve. 
  • People isolation or far distant from Earth can make your disable, in terms of vision, memory and psychology. 

      2. Radiations
  • It can cause degenerative diseases such as cancer. 
  • It can also affect the nervous system of astraunats. 
             Elon Musk ( the CEO of Space-X)
  • Elon (the richest man of the world) has serious thoughts to colonize Mars. 
  • He said that he would he would make humans able to live on Mars by 2024. 
  • In his words, millions of people can be able to live on Mars by 2060s. 
  • Landing on Mars will be one of the biggest technical undertakings of all times. 

                       In the words of NASA:

" The currently known resources on Mars are massive, including extensive quantities of water and CO2 and therefore C, H2  and O2 for life support, fuels, plastics and much more."

                           Last Words:

                Before wrights brothers, it was considered that air journey is not possible while you can see the  present situation. My personal opinion is that we colonize Mars, but the fact is that, it will take time and money. 
Please tell me your opinion by comment on this page. 


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